This article will help you consider the design of your form.
Planning the Form: Data Capture
As you plan your form, consider the following questions:
- What kind of information needs to be captured?
- In what order should the data be captured?
- How should the information be organized into sections?
- What kind of disclosures need to be incorporated for the capture of this data?
- How should instructions or disclosures be organized?
- in separate sections?
- synthesized with field inputs?
- How should instructions or disclosures be organized?
- What rules, controls, conditions, and/or progressive disclosures, if any, do you wish to apply?
For example, in the first form below:
- The purpose of the data collection is disclosed in the opening section.
- The disclosure of FERPA compliance is incorporated in the Student Declaration Section.
- Class and Student information is separated into two sections.
- Specific permission for paper use is organized into another separate section.
- The request for titles of papers could be hidden and only revealed as a progressive disclosure if the student clicks a check box.
Hint #1: Although planning before designing can be helpful, your apps in Kuali Build are easily edited. For some creators, discovering your use case needs may be a creative process as you move forward through the building of the form and workflow. Don't get stuck in the planning stage, go BUILD AN APP!
Hint #2: Organizational clarity often comes from considering the order of each field as it will appear in the MOBILE APP. (See the second form image below.)
Hint #3: Remember, planning the design of your workflow will inform the design of your form.
Kuali Build automatically adjusts all Forms for laptops, tablets, and phones.
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