There are a lot of different step types you can use to customize your workflow.
- Approval
Request for users to provide an approval or denial decision on a proposal. Pauses the workflow at the step until the approval or denial decision is received.
- Task
Provides a step that can be used to outline actions that need to occur, possibly outside of Kuali. The workflow will pause at a task step until it has been marked as complete.
- Acknowledge
A request for a user to acknowledge a proposal in progress. An acknowledgement step will not pause the workflow, and if it is the last step in the workflow, the workflow will complete without waiting for a user to provide an acknowledgement.
- Notification
A customized email that may be sent to a user. Notifications are separate from system emails sent on an approval or notification step.
- Branch
Provides routing for the workflow based on conditions within the form.
- Integration
Allows you to add a step to push data from the form to another system through a pre-configured integration
- Echo
Allows a step to be repeated multiple times based on the values within a multiselect, table, or repeater gadget.
For more information, see the following article(s):
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