- Allow workflow reviewers to edit
- Show Workflow Status on Submissions
- Send reminder email notifications
- Disallow Approvers to Deny Submissions
- Disallow Reviewers to Send Back
- Disallow Reviewers to View Workflow Status
- Disallow non-admins to view workflow status page
Several workflow settings are available to improve your app's workflow. You may want to consider these settings prior to publishing your form.
To enable these settings, click Workflow Settings at the right of the Workflow Builder page, below the Publish button.
Allow workflow reviewers to edit
This setting acts as a global setting to define whether users involved in the workflow can edit form fields, or if it will be view only access. When enabled, all steps will follow this setting unless the setting is overridden on the individual step.
Show Workflow Status on Submissions
Enabling "Show Workflow Status on Submissions" will allow the form submitter to view the workflow status of their submitted form. With this access, they will be able to see what step their form is on, who is assigned to approve it, and any comments that have been made by using the toggle on the form to change between Review and Status. Updates to this setting will impact the form and all documents within immediately (no publish action is required).
Send reminder email notifications
An admin can configure workflow steps to send out automated reminders to the approver of a step to remind them that they need to take action on a step. You can edit the frequency to a one-time notification after X amount of days, or a recurring notification after x amount of days after initial notification. Changes to this setting will affect all steps unless they are overridden at the step level.
Disallow Approvers to Deny Submissions
By default, every workflow step has the 'Deny' option that will allow users to deny (or disapprove) the document. However, if you don't want users to have this option in the app workflow, you can toggle this option to disallow Deny.
When this is toggled, steps will no longer have the Deny path option to configure, and once published, users will not see 'Deny' as an option in the document when it's in their Action List. Individual steps can then override this setting, if needed.
Updates to this setting will only impact documents submitted to the workflow after the setting has been changed and the workflow is published.
Disallow Reviewers to Send Back to Previous Steps
By default, every workflow step has the option to send back a document to a previous step in the workflow. However, if you don't want users to have this option in the app workflow, you can toggle this option to disallow send back.
When this is toggled users will not see the 'send back' as an option in the document when it's in their Action List. Individual steps can then override this setting, if needed.
Updates to this setting will only impact documents submitted to the workflow after the setting has been changed and the workflow is published.
Disallow Reviewers to View Workflow Status Page
By default, every user in the workflow will be able to see the workflow details - including prior/future workflow steps and any comments added. This setting defines whether people involved in the workflow can view the workflow history of the document, including comments from other reviewers. Individual steps can then override this setting, if needed.
Updates to this setting will only impact documents submitted to the workflow after the setting has been changed and the workflow is published.
Disallow non-admins to view workflow status page
By default, if a user (non-admin) has access to view documents in the Documents List via Conditional Permissions they would also have access to view the Workflow Status for the document. If you don't want them to have the ability to view the Workflow Status then you can toggle on this configuration option. Updates to this setting will impact the form and all documents within immediately (no publish action is required).
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