The Echo step will allow admins to run one (or more) steps in the workflow for each value entered in a multi-select field or a table gadget. For example, you may have a repeater gadget on your form that will allow users to submit information on multiple awards, with a workflow step that needs to be created based on the campus it applies to.
Within an Echo step, you will need to define which gadget will be used
Click on the approval step in the workflow you wish to edit, and the flyout will appear to the right allowing you to modify the settings for the step.
Echo Step Options
Step Label
Each step in the workflow can have a custom label applied do it. These labels help to identify the steps, both in the workflow and when reviewing them on the proposal.
For example, the default step name for an approval step is 'Approval' - but if every step were titled as 'Approval', it would be difficult to troubleshoot or identify where in the process it is.
The Step Label allows you to customize the name of a step so it more accurately represents this part of the process. This will help you keep your workflow organized as you are building out your process, and help provide clarity for reviewers who need to approve multiple times during the process.
The Step Label also appears in the Approval Notification that is emailed to the reviewer to help them identify where they are in the workflow process.
To change the Step Label, click into the step to open the configuration panel, then click into the Step Label field. Once you have updated the Step Label, it will save automatically and the step in the workflow will update to match.
Echo Configuration
Within the Echo configuration, you'll need to define the gadget that will be used for the step. For example, if you are using a repeater gadget - you would select that gadget for this setting.
For example, if you had a collection of fields for gathering information that would pertain to each affected campus. Rather than creating every field for each campus, you can create a set of fields, and then additional fields can be created for each campus selected by using a repeater gadget, which can in turn be used to drive the echo step.
After selecting the field for the step that will be used, in this case - Instructional Dean Review, you can drag in the steps that would repeat for each selection made in the gadget.
When the echo step runs, it will repeat that step (or collection of steps) for each option provided in the gadget. In this case, for each campus selected - the campus dean for each one will be brought into the workflow and asked to approve. By using the echo, this may be a single campus dean, or it may be up to six!
These changes will only impact the name of the gadget after it has been added to the form and configured. You can see additional details about the specific changes here.
For more information, see the following article(s):
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