Keep your focus on student success with seamlessly integrated tools that transform curriculum management, academic catalog design, and syllabus creation. Save time, simplify the accreditation process, and ensure students clearly understand program requirements and learning outcomes. Below describes the products available within the Kuali Student Suite:
Curriculum Management:
- Courses: Propose new courses or modifications to existing courses. Track credits, learning outcomes, and dependencies such as prerequisites and corequisites.
- Programs: Propose new programs or modifications to existing programs. Manage program requirements, related courses and learning outcomes with ease.
- Specializations: Capture the specific elements tailored to an individual emphasis or specialized area of study. Link specializations to programs and courses.
- Outcomes: Create a central repository of learning outcomes that map to courses, programs and specializations. Ensure traceability all the way back to institutional priorities for student learning.
- Policies: Maintain a canonical repository of institutional and departmental policies that require a governance and approval process.
- Agendas: Create and manage agendas for curriculum committee meetings. Ensure that course, program, and policy items can be reviewed and approved and recorded.
Academic Catalog
- Sync your Catalog directly from Kuali Curriculum Management.
- Embed a beautiful digital catalog in your college/university website.
- Prepare different versions of your catalog for different audiences.
- Display relationships between courses and programs in an easy-to-read hierarchy.
- Produce a PDF version on-demand.
Syllabus Management
- Create & maintain flexible templates for syllabus creation.
- Build, review, collaborate and iterate on syllabi.
- Duplicate and update syllabi to make changes with ease.
- Capture approvals with dynamic, multi-branched workflows.
- Manage regulations and policies centrally, while providing faculty control over content.
To learn more or request a demo of Kuali Student, please visit
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