An application programming interface (API) key is a unique identifier used to authenticate access to an API. In order for a user to access the API to transfer data out of Kuali, a key needs to be created.
The API keys can be granted to any Kuali user. In some cases, you may choose to create a user account solely for the purpose of developers or calling programs to facilitate the transfer of data via the API.
Any user can create their own API key, or an admin can create one on their behalf. API keys grant data access and privileges in alignment with the permissions provided to the user. For example, if an admin creates an API key, they're able to access all administrative functions. If a user creates one, they are still only able to access and manage the same content they are able to access when they are working within Kuali.
Creating an API Key (Token)
If you are a user creating an API Key for your own account:
- Click on Account Icon in the upper right corner with your initials, and then select My Account from the menu.
If you are an admin creating an API Key for a user:
- Click on the Suite Menu icon (), then navigate to People & Groups.
- In the menu across the top, select the People tab. This will take you to the User list where you can add or remove users, change their permissions, and manage other settings.
- Search for the user from the search bar at the top of the page.
- Click on a user to navigate to their Account Info page.
- In the menu across the top, select the API Keys tab.
- Click Create Key to have a new API Key generated for the user. You can enter a name for the key to provide a reminder of the purpose.
- For example, 'API Key' as a name would not be helpful to someone who is trying to understand why a key was created, or what it is for; but '2024 Key for Reports' is.
- You can select when the key should expire. The default is for one year from the date of creation, but a shorter duration can be selected - as well as the option for 'Never'.
- Once the key is created, it will be displayed on the screen. Copy and save the API key for use. They key will ONLY be shown at this time - there are no options for retrieving a key if it is lost; a new one will need to be generated.
Revoking an API Key
- Within a users account, select the API Keys tab.
- Identify the key to revoke, and click Revoke. Revoking an API key takes immediate effect, and any third-party systems using this key will no longer be able to access the API.
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