Sometimes you may not want to grant App creation rights to everyone at an institution. In this video and the below integration url references we walk you through how you can create an App for end users to submit app ideas so they can be formally reviewed via a configured workflow. If fully approved you can then automatically create the App and assign the user as an App Admin via an integration to grant them access:
Create App:
https://{{tenantName}}.{{kualiDomain}}.com/app/api/v0/graphql?query=mutation { createAppTile(args: {name: "{{appName}}",backgroundColor: "black",iconName: "{{icon}}.svg",}) { name id } }
Permissions Query:
https://{{tenantName}}.{{kualiDomain}}.com/app/api/v0/graphql?query=query PermissionsPage($appId: ID!) { viewer { id user { id displayName canManageSettings __typename } __typename } app(id: $appId) { id name hasDangerousPermissions listPolicyGroups { id name removable policies { id version statements { action resource effect __typename } __typename } identities { type id label __typename } __typename } __typename } }&variables={ "appId": "{{appId}}" }
Add User to Permission:
https://{{tenantName}}.{{kualiDomain}}.com/app/api/v0/graphql?query=mutation AddIdentityToRole($roleId: String!, $identity: PolicyGroupIdentityInput!) { attachIdentityToRole(args: {roleId: $roleId, identity: $identity}) }&variables={ "roleId": "{{roleId}}", "identity": { "id": "{{userId}}", "label": "{{username}}", "type": "USER" } }
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