Kuali Build Dashboard
How do I edit my app's name, icon, and color?
When you login to Kuali Build you will be on your Dashboard Home page. You will see a series of options and menus across the top of the screen. Each of these options will be discussed later in the article.
In the center panel you will see any apps that you have created or that have been shared with you. You will also see the icon to add (+) a new app. If you have not created any apps or had any shared with you, you will only see the option to add (+) a new app.
Any apps you have created will appear as an icon in the My Apps section. If you have had any apps shared with you, you will see an icon for each app under the Shared with Me section.
How Do I Edit My App's Name, Icon, and Color?
When creating a new app, you have the ability to select the app's icon and color. You may want to change both of those at a later time. To do this go to the Dashboard Home and hover over the app icon that you would like to change.
- Click on the small pencil button that appears in the right corner of your app's icon.
- From the pop-up window that appears, you will be able to adjust the name of the app, the icon associated with the app, and the icon's color.
Action List
When you login to Kuali Build, one of the first things you want to check each day is your Action List (see Action List). From the Action List you will be able to see work items that have been assigned to you and that are incomplete.
To navigate to your Action List, click on "Action List" at the top of the page next to the home button. You may have a red number appear next to "Action List." This number indicates the number of work items you need to complete.
Submissions allows you to see forms that you have created. It is divided into two areas: Submitted and Drafts.
The Submitted area provides a list of documents that you have submitted, including their status in the workflow process. From here you are also able to take a few actions on submitted forms.
The Drafts area houses forms that you have begun but have not yet submitted. You are able to see when the form was created and how much time has elapsed since then. By clicking on the form name, you are also able to make changes, submit, or discard the document.
Kuali Build Menu
The Kuali Build Menu is found at the top left of the Dashboard Home.
Clicking on the Build icon will reveal a list of settings and options available to you based on your permissions in Kuali Build. From that dropdown you will see the following:
- Users and Groups icons: used to manage your synced and imported Users and Groups Service entries. See the guides in the Users, Blueprints, Groups, and Roles section of the Kuali Build knowledge base for more information.
- Help: will take you to the Kuali Build Support pages, including the Knowledge Base, where you can access guides and instructions for using Kuali Build.
If you have Kuali Build system administrator permissions, you will also see the following options from the Kuali Build menu:
- System API Integrations (formerly API Integrations): where you can manage all of your integrations.
- System Permissions (formerly Permissions): where you can set administrator and system-wide permissions for Kuali Build.
- History (formerly Audit Log): where you can access an event list of everything that that is happening with your Kuali Build Forms, Documents, and Permissions.
What's new?
The What's new? section of Build will alert you of important announcements from the Kuali Build team, and the flashing number in the green circle, will tell you the number of announcements that are new since the last time you checked the area.
In What's new? you can find information about new releases, important bug fixes, upcoming maintenance windows, Build tips and tricks, and links to more in-depth documentation. Check this area often.
User Menu
To update or view your personal account information, navigate to the top right corner of the Dashboard and click on your name to reveal the user menu.
From the dropdown click on My Account to edit or view your personal information.
The Search field allows you to search for text in any of the app titles you have access to (you can't search for apps that you don't have permissions to view). Search is case-insensitive and does partial word matches. As an example an app with the name “Study Abroad Request” would match if any of the following were entered: request, abroad, stu, abr, road, s.
User Tip: To keep your apps separate from other groups or users, add a prefix to your app name so that only your group's apps will be isolated during search. For example, if you are a member of the IT Services Department, you may choose to add ITSD to the beginning of your app name to help differentiate it from other departments.
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