The Action List is where you can find all of the actions in Kuali that have been assigned to you from workflows but are incomplete. This includes forms that you have submitted but have been sent back to you by a reviewer.
To navigate to the Action List page, click on Action List in the toolbar:
Information Available in the Action List
The following information is available in the Action List:
- Document Type
The form/app where the assigned action comes from.
- Document Number
Each document in an app is assigned a unique, system-generated number. This number allows you to differentiate between documents in the same app.
- Submitted By
The name of the person who submitted this document.
- Workflow Step
The name of the workflow step where this action originated from. The app administrator gives the workflow step a name.
- Created On
The date the request is sent to you. For example, the document may have been submitted on Oct. 28th, but because you are assigned as the 3rd person to approve the document, it may not make its way to you for a few days. Once the 2nd approver has approved the document, your approval step will be initiated on the "Created On" date.
- Action Requested
Lists the type of action that you will take (Approval, Acknowledge, etc.).
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